#WueSeeYou - the Idea
#WueSeeYou - the Idea


making diverse paths to the University of Würzburg visible.

What does #WueSeeYou mean by diversity?

  • Gender equality in practice, intercultural and international perspectives in one’s own field of work, reconciliation of science or career and family, an inclusive working environment – all this is diversity in action, all this is the University of Würzburg.
  • We want to make this visible and graspable by presenting diverse paths into science and science management of the University of Würzburg.
  • This also involves empowerment through role models and insights into life’s journies that are similar to one’s own.
  • At the same time, a look at the career paths of other university members raises awareness for our diverse community at JMU.
  • More background information on the topic of diversity can be found here in our Diversity FAQ.

How does #WueSeeYou make these diverse paths visible?​

Through multimedia interviews in which different university members share their personal answers to our questions:

The questions:

  • What made you come to the University of Würzburg?
  • What were prospects or challenges in the course of your (professional) life?
  • Who or what has supported or positively influenced you in your actions (support services, circumstances and environment, mindset or similar)?
  • What does diversity at JMU mean to you?
  • Vision for the future: thoughts on potential for change


making diverse paths to the University of Würzburg visible.

What does #WueSeeYou mean by diversity?

  • Gender equality in practice, intercultural and international perspectives in one’s own field of work, reconciliation of science or career and family, an inclusive working environment – all this is diversity in action, all this is the University of Würzburg.
  • We want to make this visible and graspable by presenting diverse paths into science and science management of the University of Würzburg.
  • This also involves empowerment through role models and insights into life’s journies that are similar to one’s own.
  • At the same time, a look at the career paths of other university members raises awareness for our diverse community at JMU.
  • More background information on the topic of diversity can be found here in our Diversity FAQ.

How does #WueSeeYou make these diverse paths visible?​

Through multimedia interviews in which different university members share their personal answers to our questions:

The questions:

  • What made you come to the University of Würzburg?
  • What were prospects or challenges in the course of your (professional) life?
  • Who or what has supported or positively influenced you in your actions (support services, circumstances and environment, mindset or similar)?
  • What does diversity at JMU mean to you?
  • Vision for the future: thoughts on potential for change


The implementation of the interviews took place within the framework of the seminar “Crossmedial Communication” of the Chair of Business Journalism and Business Communication under the direction of Prof. Dr. Kim Otto and a lecturer and journalist in the academic year 2022/23. In terms of content, the seminar was accompanied by the team of the University Women’s Representative, who also created the interview concept.

The report format “Pageflow” of choice is an interactive storytelling format that makes it possible to merge various multimedia elements into a narrative flow that fills the screen.

Format and Implementation

Reports so far

Why exactly these interviews and interviewees?​

  • We see ourselves as a growing project.
  • In autumn 2022, we were able to start with the pilot of the project and we would like to thank all the protagonists of the first interviews.
  • Are you missing topics in the reports? Would you like to talk about your journey to the University of Würzburg? Contact us and become part of the project.


The project aims to make the reports as barrier-free and accessible as possible. As these are student works, implemented on a multimedia platform not designed by us, there may still be a need for optimisation. Should you notice anything, please contact us at ufbteam@uni-wuerzburg.de.


We would like to thank all supporters of the #WueSeeYou project, especially:

  • the protagonists, whose reports fill the project with life
  • the students of the seminar “Crossmedia Communication” in the winter semester 2022/23 and in the summer semester 2023, who realised the interviews
  • Prof. Kim Otto, Chair of Business Journalism and Business Communication
  • Prof. Jana-Kristin Prigge, Junior Professor for Digital Marketing and E-Commerce, and her co-workers Kevin Schwehm and Nina Stenzenberger
  • Prof. Elke Wagner, Chair of Special Sociology and Methods of Qualitative Empirical Social Research
  • KIS – Contact and Information Centre for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses
Logo der Universitätsfrauenbeauftragten (UFB) der Universität Würzburg: Pinke Sprechblase mit der Abkürzung "UFB"

A project initiative of the Office of the University Women's Representative in cooperation with the Chair of Business Journalism and Business Communication