Diversity FAQ
Diversity FAQ

Diversity FAQ

What does diversity mean in the context of the University of Würzburg? Every member of the university community brings different diversity characteristics with them and combines different diversity dimensions within themselves. In the #WueSeeYou interviews, some of these dimensions are addressed and made comprehensible.

Since February 2022, JMU has been participating in the two-year audit process “Vielfalt gestalten” of the Stifterverband der deutschen Wissenschaft. As part of the audit process, the university is striving to expand and re-accentuate its diversity-oriented offerings. There are already numerous information and counselling offers on various diversity dimensions. In our FAQ below you will find a large collection of web links to the relevant offers.

The Stifterverband’s figure of “Diversitätsmerkmale im Kontext von Studium und Lehre (Diversity Characteristics in the Context of Studying and Teaching)” below provides a good illustration of how diversity is composed and how diverse the composition can be. And: For a total of five fields of further development, detailed objectives and measures for shaping diversity were developed in a participatory process at JMU:


e.g. sensitivity in regard to diversity and (intersectional) risks of discrimination.


e.g. mental and physical conditions, accessibility

Gender equality

e.g. gender and equality aspects, reconciliation of family and career/studies

Students and employees with diverse socio-cultural and socio-economical backgrounds

e.g. social origin and previous education, first-generation academics



Sensibilität für Vielfalt und (intersektionale) Diskriminierungsrisiken fördern.


e.g. welcoming culture, intercultural competences

Daniela De Ridder, Bettina Jorzik (ed.). „Vielfalt gestalten – Kernelemente eines Diversity-Audits für Hochschulen“. Edition Stifterverband: Essen 2012, p. 15. Stifterverband, Audit „Vielfalt gestalten“ https://www.stifterverband.org/download/file/fid/209


e.g. sensitivity in regard to diversity and (intersectional) risks of discrimination.


e.g. mental and physical conditions, accessibility

Gender equality

e.g. gender and equality aspects, reconciliation of family and career/studies

Students and employees with diverse socio-cultural and socio-economical backgrounds

e.g. social origin and previous education, first-generation academics


e.g. welcoming culture, intercultural competences

Daniela De Ridder, Bettina Jorzik (ed.). „Vielfalt gestalten – Kernelemente eines Diversity-Audits für Hochschulen“. Edition Stifterverband: Essen 2012, p. 15. Stifterverband, Audit „Vielfalt gestalten“ https://www.stifterverband.org/download/file/fid/209



The joint event series of the three Würzburg universities “Diversity³” has been in existence since 2021. Diversity concerns us all: Together with experts, new perspectives are taken on the topic of diversity in academia and beyond. Participation can be credited as part of the “Diversity and Gender Competence” certificate.

Since 2022, there has been a Master’s programme in Diversity Management at JMU.